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Garbage disposing

How to dispose garbage

Household Waste

You need to use a designated trash bag for household wastes. Please put it in the designated area of your residence after closing the top of the bag. If you do not use a designated trash bag, it will not be collected.

You can purchase designated trash bags from supermarkets or convenient shops.

Discharge of waste is allowed until 1am after sunset, Sunday to Friday (Except Saturday)

Food waste

You need to put the food wastes in front of your house door or in a specified place using a food waste container.

Food wastes should be discharged after removing the moistures as much as possible.

When you are discharging the wastes, you should attach a payment chip(purchased at supermarkets or convenient shops) on the waste container.

Please contact the Environmental Management Department for more information on the dates that are eligible for discharging.

Cow, Pig, Chicken and Fish bones, Egg, Clam, Crab and Crawfish shells, Used coffee, Green tea, Oriental medicine grounds, Nut, Chestnut and peanut shells needs to be discharged as household wastes as they are not specified as food wastes.

Bulky waste

The bulky wastes needs to be disposed after reporting to the dong office. A fee will be charged. TV, washing machines and other manufactured goods that are included in this category.

Waste for Recycling

Recyclable wastes such as plastic, cans, bottles, and recyclable papers should be put into a general plastic bag and to be discharged on a specified date for recycle.

Sprays and butane gas cans need to be pierced holes before discharging, due to explosive risks.

Financing and Banking


Currency : KOREAN WON

Coin : 10 won, 50 won, 100 won, 500 won

Bill : 1,000 won bill, 5,000 won bill, 10,000 won bill, 50,000 won bill


Working Hours : Monday to Friday(09:00~16:30)

Opening a Savings Account

Visit the bank you want to deal with and apply for a savings account by showing your passport or certificate of registration for a foreigner.

24 Hour Automatic Teller Machines(ATM)

You can receive a cash card by opening a savings account and withdraw cash via ATM until 22:00 or 24:00 after normal working hours of the bank.

Sending Money Overseas

Telegraphic Remittance(T/T Remittance)

This is a fast and accurate way to send money overseas. You need your overseas dealing bank name, branch office name, account number, address, telephone number and bank code in English.

Mail Remittance

This allows you to remit money to your overseas bank by registered mail, sent through the post office.

Check Remittance

Send money by check, transferred from your Korean bank to overseas recipient. You should only use it for small amounts because there is the danger of loss.

Foreign Exchange Transaction

Most banks in Sangju including the Foreign Exchange Bank deal with foreign exchange.


Jungang Market

Location 7-16, Jungangsijang-gil, Sangju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
Market day 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27 day every month

Hamchang Market

Location 45-14, Hamchangsijang 1-gil, Hamchang-eup, Sangju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
Market day 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26 day every month

Gongseong Market

Location 177-1 Oksan-ri, Gongseong-myeon, Sangju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
Market day 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26 day every month

Hwaseo Market

Location Sinbong-ri, Hwaseo-myeon, Sangju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
Market day 3, 8, 13, 18 ,23, 28 day every month

Euncheok Market

Location Bongjung-ri, Euncheok-myeon, Sangju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
Market day 4, 9, 14, 19 ,24, 29 day every month

Housing/Electricity/Gas/Water Service


When purchasing or renting a residence, you may want to contact a mediator of real estate, or check the local information tabloid on 'Living'.

How to Contract

The way you can rent another man's residence is either by a lease contract paying for deposit in a lump sum or a monthly rent contract paying for the house.

Lease contract : The rent term for a house is two years in general and you pay the deposit in a lump sum. The deposit will be returned when you move from the house.

Monthly rent contract : You pay house rent every month and in some cases you may be requested to pay a small security.

Mediation of Real Estate

If you want to rent your house by a mediator of real estate, you must pay some commission for his mediation.



Sangju Branch of the Korea Electric Power Corporation ☎ 054-530-2221 Consultation or Complaints ☎ 123


An electricity bill is delivered to your residence on a fixed day every month after an inspection of a meter. TV receiving fee is included on the electricity bill.

How to Terminate Use

Informing the Korea Electricity Power Corporation that you want to terminate electricity in advance, will keep your account accurate.



Yeongnam Energy Service(City Gas) ☎ 054-460-6381/ Each Branch dealing with LPG

The Opening of Use

If using city gas or LPG, you have to inform the related business office that you want to use it. They will send someone to your home to install and check it.


The gas bill is delivered to you after an inspection of a gas meter. You can pay it at a financial agency or by automatic payment. If using LPG, you must inform the related business office when your tank is almost empty. A representative will come and service it and payment for the service is required upon completion.

How to Terminate Use

Informing the City gas business office that you want to terminate gas use in advance, will keep your account accurate.

Water Supply

Consultation and Complaints for Water Supply : Water supply and Drainage office ☎ 054-537-8773


The water supply bill and sewerage fee is delivered for the amount used as a result of regular inspection of a water meter every month. You can pay it at a financial agency according to the bill delivered.

Modification for User

You should inform a person in charge of the water utility bills in the Sangju Civil Affairs Office.



Sangju Education Office ☎ 054-530-2300

The Korean education system includes elementary, middle, and high school. It also has many colleges and universities. Sangju is well known for its educational facilities and has many educational organizations.

Young Children Education

Young children can be educated at a preschool facility(facility for preschoolers) or kindergarten before entering into elementary school. There are the public and private preschool facilities.

Elementary/Middle/High School

Elementary school consists of six years of education. Middle school and high school each have three years of study. The new semester begins in March and summer vacation starts around the 20th of July. The second semester begins in September and winter vacation starts around the 20th of December.


To enter into university, one has to pass the examination of admission, given after high school. Korean universities have a 2-year college course and the university course is for 4 years.

Special School

There are special schools in Sangju for young children with learning disabilities.

Emergency measures for disaster

It is said that calamity is caused by natural phenomena such as typhoons, floods, torrential rains, heavy snowfalls or earthquakes. Be aware of the things around you because Korea is influenced greatly by torrential rains during the typhoon season, which runs from July to September. You should try to avoid these phenomena and be prepared to cope.

During a Typhoon

You should listen to the Radio or TV in your home and always check for things being blown around by the wind in your garden or veranda. Take caution in low level areas which may flood.

Avoid walking under telegraph poles and big trees when it is thundering and lighting. Also avoid submerged roads because there is a danger of holes and sewage leakage. Furthermore, drive through an accustomed road.

If camping on a mountain area during a typhoon, quickly come down to the valley camp area and escape to a secure area. Avoid passing through valley water because the current is flowing fast.

Training of Civil Defense Day

The fifteenth of every month is a day of civil defense. This is a mock training exercise in preparation for invasion of the enemy, or natural calamities such as earthquakes and landslides.

The training of civil defense is enforced five times a year across the country, simultaneously. When sirens ring pedestrians should take shelter in the nearest building or an underground designated site. If you are driving, stop it and go to the designated site according to the instructions of the control personnel. While the training is going on you should cooperate with the commands of the control personnel. The training continues for about twenty minutes.

The mock training is prepared for fire, earthquakes and landslides, and is enforced in the resident areas and areas that have a high possibility of calamity.