
A recent survey of prehistoric remains in Shinsangri revealed that since the prehistoric age people have resided in Sangju. The Shinsangri remains of the prehistoric age were found to be the oldest among those in Yeongnam, and demonstrate that various kinds of people have lived in Sangju since the prehistoric age.
Dolmens, standing stones, and residences are the representative remains of the Bronze Age in Sangju. A group of dolmens are gathered in the side of the hill overlooking the Nakdong River or where the plains near a small branch of the river meet the hills. Currently, about 10 locations are found to have remains, including Heonsin-dong, Buwon-dong, and Jungdeok-dong, Sangju. In general, 5 to 10 dolmens gather in a group and a preliminary research for Cheongri Local Industrial Complex Project officially unearthed 15 dolmens.
15 dolmens are divided into two groups, one in the upper side and the other the lower side of the incline, forming small groups. A dolmen was built in accordance with the Gaeseok System ( 蓋石式 ), with a stone table as the cover of the lower stone coffin.
Other unearthed relics include many sorts of stone tools, such as stone swords, stone arrows, and earthenware, such as Hongdo and Wan ( ? ).
Standing stones are scattering all over in Sangju, such as Buwon-dong, Jungwon-dong, and Heonsin-dong, and showed a similar distribution pattern to dolmens. In addition, Namjeokdong, Nakdong-myun Gujam-ri, and Sabeolguk-myeon Geumhon-ri in Sangju are known to have the remains of patternless earthenware and stone tools.